Extended Follow Friday for September 25, 2009: @traceesioux #ff #followfriday

The Girl Revolution Has Begun and Is Getting Stronger Every Day

One of the many gifts that my yoga podcast and corresponding blog have given me is the opportunity to 'meet' some incredible people. This week's extended #followfriday is one of these amazing folks. The mighty Tracee Sioux commented on my blog for the first time at the end of June 2008. Whenever anyone comments on my yoga podcast blog, I do my best to at minimum respond on the site, often times I send and email and if they have submitted their own Web site, I go check it out, as I believe strongly as a yoga teacher in getting to know my students as best as I can, whether virtual students or not :)

Imagine my surprise when I checked out Tracee's site! At that time, her main blog was called Empowering Girls: So Sioux Me, but as of January this year she re-launched, refined and re-branded her content on a new site: The Girl Revolution!

designed to help parents raise powerful daughters. The Girl Revolution’s sole mission is to revolutionize the way we think about, treat, and raise girls.

Now tell me if that is not a powerful, necessary and VALUABLE site to have out in the world!

I think about raising a powerful daughter daily. I have all the concerns that any parent has, and at the same time I also meditate a lot on the optimal ways in which to raise my daughter, especially how to instill in her, her own recognition of how absolutely valuable and sacred she is, her entire self, from the inside out. I know how hard it was for me, and the many, MANY, mistakes that I made which did not honor that sacredness in myself, and I was raised within a very solid family full of love, support and faith, so I know the challenge of it!

The Girl Revolution is not only chock full of informative and thought provoking blog posts ranging from hilarious videos that deepen the conversation to important issues regarding education and girls but it's also available for syndication! Now what does that mean? Well, if you happen to read the blog, find it's content something that you wish your magazine, organization, school, etc. would benefit from reading, you can do it! Tracee gives you all sorts of info on her site :)

Making meaningful connections with advertisers and sponsors is essential

I'm a huge believer in supporting businesses, and organizations that are valuable and life affirming. If I had a product launch of some type or if I was looking to increase my business by increasing my client base with thinking, motivated, and passionate individuals I wouldn't think twice about advertising on The Girl Revolution. There were times when I was turned off by advertising or sponsorships, but I have shifted my perspective. What bothers me the most about advertising and sponsorship is when these don't add value to the content nor me (the consumer). Joining forces with like minded and like hearted individuals and/or organizations and businesses to mutually enhance life, both economically and socially is absolutely necessary so we can truly evolve.

What's so beautiful about independent content creators, is that we get an opportunity to discern what kinds of relationships we want to make and support so we can increase goodness and uphold integrity in our own work and the world. Those mindful relationships have the potential to completely change advertising and sponsorship as we know them.

All right, off the soap box already ;)

If you have a daughter, niece, granddaughter, younger cousin/sibling, etc. you must read and subscribe to The Girl Revolution. Tracee is a magnificent writer, full of passion of the loveliest kind, one that is grounded in love, especially love for her family. This keeps her voice genuine and forthright, and wonderfully 'everyday' which makes it really accessible reading for all. #followfriday @traceesioux :D

Oh yea, and Tracee is a fantastic yoga podcast student :)

If you're wondering what in the world is this whole extended #followfriday thing. Please refer to this post!


15 Free Tech Manuals To Get Your Geek On Yogis!


Extended Follow Friday for September 18, 2009: @victorcajiao #ff #followfriday