It's Almost VloMo International Video Blogging Month 2012!

The Most Wonderful Time of Content Creation!

For a while now, the month of November has been a month where those of us creative folks choose to participate in month-long media projects. 

Some of these projects are highly organized, such as NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and others seem to be picking up steam, such as AudioMo (recording and publishing an audio file a day.)

My favorite is VloMo. I've been taking part of VloMo, International Video Blogging Month since 2008! 

It has now become one of my favorite months. 

There is a wonderful social component to it, but since my online time is very limited I don't really get to take part in it too much.

I participate in it mostly for myself and for my family...and for it's own sake.

For the love of it. 

I love looking back at those old videos. They bring back so many memories!

The first year that I 'participated' I was a new Mama. Hunter was one month old, and due to that and my lack of proper tools  (my iPhone primarily,) I wasn't able to sustain 30 days of posting videos. 

I'm proud to say that for the past three Novembers I've posted a video a day every year, except for one week in 2009. 

This year, I will be doing it again, plus doing my best to do AudioMo as well. 

Since there really is no strategy to publishing content, it makes it more fun.

It's more about recording the magic of the everyday, without any agenda behind the posts. 

If you want to follow my journey, I'll be publishing to Vimeo and to my Posterous Page. The video posts will be tagged #vlomo12 and the audio posts will be tagged #audiomo12.

You wanna give it a shot?

When it's done it's SO great!

In my next post I'll share the tools that I use to get this done efficiently with no friction, so you can relax and enjoy the process.

Let me know if you join!

You've got 4 more days to prepare. 

Below are the Day 1's for the past 4 years :) Enjoy!

VloMo Day 1 2008

VloMo Day 1 2009

VloMo Day 1 2010

VloMo Day 1 2011



Audio and Video Tools for Participating in Vlomo12 and AudioMo


A Week of Podcast Promotion, Analysis, and Production