A Week of Podcast Promotion, Analysis, and Production


It seems like I dropped out of this thing, but alas, if you recall in my first post participating in Blog Boost for July, I mentioned that I also write in other places.

I felt a bit weird simply coming to this blog to paste ONE link to go somewhere else to read my work daily, so I waited till I'd compiled more links so you could pick and choose the stuff that interests you most!

Catching up with podcasting this week

The majority of my writing was done over at the libsyn blog, where my focus is very much about promoting podcasts, insight into podcasting and sharing the newest features the libsyn platform has to offer. This is what I did over there!

  • Rockin New libsyn Podcast: Weird Medicine- This is the first and only uncensored medical show in the history of radio, according to Dr. Steve. This is pretty darn cool! Here's a bit more:Because we're on an "extreme language" channel, we realized we could allow the listeners to speak freely about questions they might be embarrassed to take to their regular medical providers. It soon became a show for people who would NEVER listen to a medical show on the radio....read more about this cool podcast
  • Simple Tips To Find Out Where Your Audience Is So You Stop Wasting Your Time-Working in podcasting and with podcasters for 6 years I consistently see desire of many podcasters to be seen, to be heard, to get discovered.

Notice the passive qualitiy to that statement.

We as media producers need to take action so that we are heard, seen and discovered. It's not up to any specific network, any kind of specific distribution or even any kind of feature to do this for us.

We need to create the opportunities so that we place ourselves in the best possible position.

No one is going to do that for us.

That's why I wrote the article above. It's a part of a series to offer podcasters better tools and insight to promote and market themselves so that we could take over the world. ;) Go ahead and check it out

  • Podcasters At Comic Con!- Yep, more main stream type of gigs and a ton more exposure for podcasters as well as the medium. So exciting! You can see a list of what went down at Comic Con here.

Who doesn't need some yoga to finish the week strong?

My other passion: yoga.

I got an opportunity to video tape a yoga class, record the audio and publish it as the latest episode of my long running yoga podcast.

My podcast is 95% audio. This is the first video episode that I've published, and I've been doing it for 6 years!

So if you're ready to get your yoga on, come on by for a 30 minute yoga class to rejuvenate yourself!

Of course, you can always subscribe in iTunes. :)

How about that for an eclectic mix of content!

Hope to continue with more good stuff to offer in the upcoming week!

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It's Almost VloMo International Video Blogging Month 2012!


Make Commenting Crazy Efficient On Your iPhone! [Video]