Thoughts On Podcast Marketing and Cross-posting to Wordpress via libsyn

marketing your podcast

Me? Market My Podcasts?

I think we as podcasters have been pretty darn lazy.

I venture to say that us podcasters that have been doing this for longer than 5 years are the laziest of the bunch, due to two things:

  1. Getting stuck in the old school podcasting paradigm.
  2. Easy entry and quick discovery back in the day.

When podcasting was first introduced in iTunes, there were only a handful of people that decided to do this podcasting thing.

Because the barrier of entry was so low, and there weren't very many people doing it, us early podcasters were able to get a lot of visibility via the iTunes store.

For those of us in the less than popular categories such as Health and Wellness, we got even more exposure.

I lucked out getting featured a lot during the first year of my podcast which continues to impact my iTunes visibility as well as popularity up to now.

Because of this I got lazy.

I have honestly only recently realized how lucky I've been AND what a horrible marketer of my own podcast I've been.

If iTunes wasn't around I would not have the incredible reach that my podcast has had in the past 6 years. (As of today my yoga podcast classes have been downloaded over 3 million times!)

Time to get innovative and stand by my work

I have a wealth of very good content in my podcast. I have over 100 hours of audio yoga instruction that you can download for free.

I'm sure if any of you creative and passionate entrepreneurs with marketing savvy had a hold of what I have, you'd go crazy with what you could do with it.

I'm just barely getting my feet wet!

The funny thing is that I have helped other podcasters get their marketing mojo on but am so tentative doing it myself to my own work!

That's what I call, being stuck in the old model and being lazy.

I took one of the first steps toward getting serious about getting my content out to a whole new set of listeners

I posted this on Elsie's Yoga Kula (my yoga blog) letting folks know about the new Apple Podcasts App, and I created a very cool screencast video of the app at work! I used this sweet iOS app called Display Recorder that has since been removed by Apple.

You have to check it out.

Podcast promotion via Wordpress

As a bonus post of the day, I also wrote this blog post showcasing libsyn's newest way to cross-post podcast episodes directly from their dashboard to a self-hosted wordpress site.

Very cool stuff.

And of course, more ways to promote your podcast!

Full Disclosure: I do work for libsyn :D

Podcasters: how have you been marketing your podcast beyond iTunes?

Non Podcasters: if you had the platform that I do and the wealth of content available how would you market it? I'm talking to you fabulous creative-preneurs!

I would love to know your thoughts :)

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